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The Bitch Captain and The Lady is an entertaining saga about time travel, sisterhood, and adventure. 

If historical pin-point accuracy is something you hold sacred, you might prefer something more academic. If curse words and sex scenes make you clutch your pearls, this will likely not appeal. 

If, however, you’re interested in delving headfirst into the midst of fantasy, romance, and action, all driven by bold female characters, you’ve come to the right place!

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About This Book


What do you mean, I have to write a bio? I just wrote a book! ...You mean, about myself? But why‽ Oh. I see.  


In between trying to determine precisely how to describe the shade of blue I’m envisioning, and researching what year cinnamon reached a specific part of the world, I can be found sniffing and tending flowers in my garden, attempting to ingratiate myself with the local wildlife population, practicing survival skills with my daughter, and being held hostage by a purring cat or two. 

Likes: cuddly animals, cocktails, food, clean floors, alone time, Old Bay in clarified butter, wildflowers

Dislikes: people who litter, clothes that don't look like the pictures, running for my life through the woods, poison ivy, sticky lip gloss


When you picture me, please think of some cool, svelte, CrossFit-loving lady, with electric blue hair that sports that trendy undercut. Picture me planning out in which city I will run my next destination marathon. Picture me with a well worn passport and a membership to the local modern art museum.

What you should NOT do is picture me on the sidelines of a soccer field holding juice boxes and assuring a seven year old that we have way better food at home, far better than any happy meal. Do not picture me in an adult scout uniform Tuesday nights as I struggle to make it through merit badge meetings and campout planning. For sure don't picture me wondering, as I sit at my desk filling out spreadsheets, if breaking my intermittent fasting schedule by 45 minutes will make a difference.

Definitely picture that first one.

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